Media Cidadaun nian - Global Voices kona ba KAPELIWA
Hare website: iha liafuan Ingles -
Protecting community and land rights of 4 aldeia.
Monday, 21 April 2014
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Governu la fo hatene risku ba komunidade
KAPELIWA ninia oan sira tau hamutuk hanoin hodi lori komunidade sira hamutuk fali hafoin Governu central fahe sira liu husi lori balun ba Australia. Iha enkontru ne'e sira neba ba Australia atu hare fabrika BGC Australia mos marka presenza e sira dehan ami ba saugati deit.
Iha foto kraik ceremonia tomada de posse KAPELIWA. Koordenador Geral KAPELIWA, Filomeno Belo hafoin tomada de posse halo kedan aprezentasaun kona ba impaktu projectu BGC Australia no Governu ba komunidade sira.
Foto Tomada de Posse - estrutura KAPELIWA 19 April 2014. |
Investimentu ho osan dólar millaun resin, iha Timor-Leste, atu harii fábrika simentu nian ida ho nível internasionál hatudu katak iha sinál atu hala’o lalais diversifikasaun iha ekonomia
Ministru Estadu no Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru no Porta-Vóz Ofisiál Governu Timor-Leste
Díli, Loron 8 fulan Marsu tinan 2014
Investimentu ho osan dólar millaun resin, iha Timor-Leste, atu harii fábrika simentu nian ida ho nível internasionál hatudu katak iha sinál atu hala’o lalais diversifikasaun iha ekonomia
Governu Timor-Leste anunsia konstrusaun fábrika simentu foun nian ida, iha Baucau, nu’udar sidade boot daruak iha Timor-Leste. Hili sidade ida ne’e tanba kualidade no abundánsia fatuk-kalkáriu iha area ne’ebá, tuir estimativa bele hetan rezerva sira ho kuantidade sufisiente ba tinan atus ida liu.
Fábrika ne’e sei la hamosu de’it indústria produsaun simentu nian ba prazu naruk, maibé mós atu hamusu postu servisu no biban foun rihun resin ba empregu iha periferia, inklui indústria esportasaun ida viável ba merkadu Australia nian.
Hafoin harii hotu tiha, mak unidade ne’e sei prodúz simentu tonelada millaun 1,5 iha tinan ida, ne’ebé mak porsentu 30% rezerva ba merkadu rai-laran nian no restu sei esporta ba merkadu konstrusaun nian, hodi habelar tan, iha Austália Ocidental no Territóriu Norte nian.
Empreza BGC no Swan Energy, ne’ebé ho sede iha Perth, sei hamutuk halo investimentu ida ne’e ho osan dólar liu millaun atus lima, ba harii unidade produtiva ida ne’e nível internasionál nian. Projektu harii unidade produsaun ida ne’e hetan rekoñesimentu hanesan projetu ida hosi projetu hirak seluk ne’ebé avansadu no laós poluente iha mundu.
Konstrusaun ne’e sei hahú iha Janeiru 2015. Sei hamosu postu servisu rihun tolu durante faze konstrusaun nian, no postu servisu rihun ida bainhira produsaun hahú ona, tinan rua tuir mai. Serimónia perfurasaun badahuluk iha fatin ne’e, hala’o iha kuarta-feira, loron 05 fulan Marsu. Ministru Petróliu no Rekursu Minerál, Alfredo Pires, hateten: ”Timor-Leste nakloke ba negósiu sira no, hanesan país ida ne’ebé hatudu ona kresimentu PIB porsentu 8% hanesan destinu ida ne’ebé mak seguru no estável ba investimentu internasionál ba prazu naruk. Anunsiu ida ohin nian ne’e, prova katak Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian oras ne’e hala’o hela ona, no lori ona diversifikasaun ekonomia nian ba apoiu atu harii empregu no infra-estrutura sira.”
Timor-Leste haburas ona panorama ida hosi panorama hirak iha mundu ne’ebé favorese liu ba investimentu, ho nível impostu ne’ebé ki’ik liu iha rejiaun. Ho kustu negósiu nian ne’ebé ki’ik no kriasaun infra-estrutura hirak ne’ebé esensiál ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia nian, mak Timor-Leste hetok dada tan investimentu estranjeiru no dezenvolvimentu negósiu nian sira. Indústria transformasaun ne’e hatama tiha ona iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál nian, nu’udar indústria ida ne’ebé atu sei dezenvolve, hodi hamosu ona inisiativa sira ba investimentu nian, atu nune’e bele dudu ninia dezenvolvimentu ida lalais liu tan.
Governu Timor-Leste haksolok ho parseiru foun hirak ne’e iha dezenvolvimentu no hein katak bele mantein relasaun ida buras liu baiha prazu naruk nia laran.
Governu Autoriza Kompanya Hari'i Fabrika - Populasaun La Informadu.
Governu Timor-Leste fo autorizasaun ba kompanya BGC Australia atu hari'i fabrika cementi iha Suco Trilolo Baucau liliu iha aldeia Kaisido, Parlemento, Lialailesu ho Osawa. Laos deit fo autorizasaun atu hari'i fabrika maibe mos Governu entrega ba kompanya BGC Australia riku soe "limestone" hodi produs cementi.
To'o agora komunidade la hetan informasaun ruma kona ba akordu entre Governu Timor-Leste no BGC Australia. Eronia reprezantante povu iha Parlamentu Nacional mos kestiona hela; hanesan deputado Manuel Castro foti kestaun refere iha Parlamentu iha semana kotuk. Deputadu hatetan katak kompanya no Governu seidauk halo estudu viabilidade kona ba impaktu nagativu no positivu projetu ne'e.
Governu central liu husi Ministerio relevante dehan katak fabrika seidauk bele hari'i.
Maibe hare husi nota de imprenza nebe fo sai Dec 12 2013 husi kompanya POSCO Korea katak sira manan kontratu bo'ot husi kompanya BGC Australia atu hari'i fabrika iha areia KAPELIWA.
- The largest private investment project in East Timor, the newly independent state- Infrastructure and oil projects expected to be won thanks to the successful entry into the cement market
POSCO E&C (Vice Chairman & CEO, Chung Dong-Hwa) announced on the 3rd of December that it won a cement plant project worth 350 million dollars, equivalent to approximately 370 billion won, from East Timor’s TL Cement (Timor-Leste Cement is a special purpose corporation wholly owned by BGC, the largest construction company in Western Australia).
The new project is to construct a cement plant with the annual capacity of 1.5 million tons in Baucau in northeastern East Timor. Construction is expected to take a total 34 months from the signing of the contract.
With regard to this, there was an LOA (Letter of Award) delivery ceremony in Perth, Western Australia, which was attended by the project owner TL Cemebt, BGC, POSCO E&C and others.
East Timor, which became a nation in its own right when it declared its independence from Indonesia in 2002, is a small country with a total population of only 1.1 million people. The East Timor government has sought in recent years to expand its infrastructure establishment project in accordance with Timor-Leste’s Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030.
As the largest private investment project of any large-scale industrial plant project being pushed ahead by the East Timor government, this project is the subject of great expectations from the government.
What played a crucial role in winning this project was, in addition to the active support of the East Timor government, the trust POSCO E&C had established while working together with BGC on various projects in Australia over the past 2 years.
POSCO E&C is planning to implement this project on an EPC basis (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), covering everything from planning to engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning.
POSCO E&C expects that it will be able to leverage an advantageous position in the market from its success in this project to win future infrastructure and oil development projects from the East Timor government, including for road, harbor, airport and desalination facility projects.
See link - for full informations -
Inauguration of KAPELIWA
Foto ida ne'e monstra lia nain husi uma lulik tolu resin walu ne'ebe hola parte iha enkontru hari no inaugurasaun KAPELIWA iha Waibua, iha loron 19/04/2014.
Iha foto okos ne'e hatudu partisipantes sira ne'ebe mai husi komunidade,juventude, feto, Veteranus hamutuk ho intelektual KAPELIWA iha 19/04/2014. KAPELIWA iha loron ne'eba hili ninia estrutura no hahu kedan halo aprezentasaun kona ba impaktu pozitivu no negativu relasiona ho planu hari'i fabrika semente iha area refere ne'ebe sei konstrui husi kompania Australia ninian.
KAPELIWA is where - iha ne'e be?
Where are the four aldiea of KAPELIWA (Kaisido, Parlmento, Lialailesu, and Osowa?
They are in Tirololo Suco Baucau District on the northeast coast of Timor-Leste, just west of Baucau Kota and north of aeroportu Baucau.
They are in Tirololo Suco Baucau District on the northeast coast of Timor-Leste, just west of Baucau Kota and north of aeroportu Baucau.
This blog is established by KAPELIWA (Kaisido - Parlemento - Lialailesu - Osowa).
This community organisation is set up by intellectuals from the four aldieas in Suco Tirilolo Baucau District. On the 19th of April 2014 during a public meeting with the community members of the four aldieas of Kaisido - Parlemento - Lialailesu - Osowa in Suco Tirilolo where the Uaima'a people live.
The Uaima'a are a minority ethno-lingusitic community based primarily in Baucau located north of the airport in Baucau.
This group is established as an NGO to represent the people of the four aldieas so as to protect and preserve the communities rights to their culture, development and traditional land rights.
On the 19th April the group's founders presented a power point presentation to the community and its leaders on the issue of potential positive and negative impact of the proposed cement factory in and on Uaima'a land known as Kaisido.
At the end of meeting the community elected the group's representative from 4 packets. 1 paket consisting of
1 General Koordinator - Filomeno Belo
2 Deputy General Koordinator
1 Sekretary General
1 Deputy Sekretary General
1 Treasurer
1 Deputy Treasurer
The KAPELIWA aldieas has 38 knua (hamlets) each with their own Uma Lulik.
KAPELIWA can be contacted via kapeliwa AT gmail DOT com
This community organisation is set up by intellectuals from the four aldieas in Suco Tirilolo Baucau District. On the 19th of April 2014 during a public meeting with the community members of the four aldieas of Kaisido - Parlemento - Lialailesu - Osowa in Suco Tirilolo where the Uaima'a people live.
The Uaima'a are a minority ethno-lingusitic community based primarily in Baucau located north of the airport in Baucau.
This group is established as an NGO to represent the people of the four aldieas so as to protect and preserve the communities rights to their culture, development and traditional land rights.
On the 19th April the group's founders presented a power point presentation to the community and its leaders on the issue of potential positive and negative impact of the proposed cement factory in and on Uaima'a land known as Kaisido.
At the end of meeting the community elected the group's representative from 4 packets. 1 paket consisting of
1 General Koordinator - Filomeno Belo
2 Deputy General Koordinator
1 Sekretary General
1 Deputy Sekretary General
1 Treasurer
1 Deputy Treasurer
The KAPELIWA aldieas has 38 knua (hamlets) each with their own Uma Lulik.
KAPELIWA can be contacted via kapeliwa AT gmail DOT com
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